My Werewolf System
My Werewolf System

My Werewolf System

1140 Chapters 3.58M Views 4.48K Bookmarked Ongoing Status

My Werewolf System novel is a popular light novel covering Fantasy, Supernatural, and Action genres. Written by the Author JKSManga. 1140 chapters have been translated and translations of other chapters are in progress.


What would you do if you were to wake up one day to the message?

[You have 5 days until the next full moon]

[Your bloodlust is increasing]

Gary Dem is a person with a secret. While coming back to school appearing as a whole new person, he does everything he can to keep this from the people he cares about. For his path is one that led him to become part of the underworld.

The world has changed, and gangs rule the streets sponsoring big corporations. Bribing politicians behind the scenes and controlling the decisions people make without them knowing it. Using a new breed of humans called the Altered, a mixture of man and beast.

It was only meant to be a side job, he was never meant to dig in too deep, but on a mission for his gang, something went wrong, something changed him.

[You have 5 days until the next full moon]

[Your bloodlust is increasing]

The lone wolf… is about to go on a hunt!

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Comments on the novel chapters for the last week.

: 1 comment on Chapter 309: The Start Of The End
: 1 comment on Chapter 308: The Whole World Knows
: 1 comment on Chapter 307: Body Of An Altered
: 1 comment on Chapter 306: Stay With Me
: 1 comment on Chapter 1034: The One Gang Facility
  • Yasuzed 2

    How is the power scaling in this one atm? 1)rock destroying 2)House destroying 3)Hill Destroying 4)Mountain destroying 5)Country destroying 6)Planet destroying 7)Galaxy destroying 8)Universe destroying 9)Multiverse Destroying 10)Highest Dimension Destroying

    • Tomo_dachi 1

      House. It'll prolly never surpass hill tbh

      • OTAKULORD 2

        Plate only :( were not in the same lvl 😎

  • Yeobo_SL 1

    I want to say that My System Series is one of the best books I have come across. Forget the grammatical errors, focus on the storyline it ain't childish, it's thrilling and exciting. It's loveable

    • midnightsdaydream 1

      f*ck yeah. i love it all with all of my heart. it literally became my comfort series. the fact that there are so many chapters means you can actually get attached to the characters and be with them for a while, compared to e.g. an eight-episode season.

  • Liminalstorm 1

    Why does the mc look like deku from mha in the title cover

  • SenFanxi 1

    What kind of witch craft has the author put on 13 year olds for them to keep making him top 100… this is by far the worst books i have ever read

    • JokersAreWild 1

      Some people just like junk food. Just like others enjoy brain rot. I enjoyed MVS personally, but this novel isn't that great in comparison and even I won't say MVS was top tier.

      • DabbedOut 15

        I liked MVS up untill the time skip i read like 100 more chapters after that then droped it

        Edited: 1mo
      • Tomo_dachi 1

        For me MVS ended after the fight with 7 spiked dalki everything after was meh

      • JokersAreWild 1

        Basically same, I wasn't fond of adult MC or the romance that seemed to be pushed into it when he became adult and dropped the novel as well around there.

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  • Kinikora 1

    Question for the ones who already read MDS and MVD : Meanwhile i read this novel (i am at the chapter 600), i discover than he is a part of a trilogy (MDS, MVS and MWS. Yes it's a little late to discover this 😅) and some important informations are explain in the others novels, written before MWS. I don't like the vampire story generally so i'm not sure to read MVS. So as a new reader who start with MWS i would ask if it's necessary to read the others novels of JKS before this one ? Moreover, can you tell me the chronology of the 3 novels ? Because some comments than i read say that MVS is before MWS and others say the contrary.

    • Coilingdragon 2

      Trust me you have to read mvs it's one of the best system novels I have read it's not like other vampire novels you see out there it's really too good

    • karthiBR 1

      there is no need to read MVS if u r not into vampire stuff, it wont affect u much in MWS but ofcource reading MVS will give u an edge. i personally suggest u to read MVS its a gud one

    • Shiro_1 1

      it's MVS for me

    • meghanth 1

      Mds->mws->mvs timeline


      Everything is interconnected in some way so start with mds now and go to mvs so and u will enjoy it nothing like my favt one but yeah it's good

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  • NickKey 1

    Interesting story, but anoying AI writing. I like the storyline, however the AI writing is very anoying and makes the entire series feel as if it is either a translation, or a poor vocabulary problem: same awkward epithets, same strange phrases repeated ad noseum. No live person would talk or write like that! Hey, JKS, hire a human editor, and you could rival Rowling. As it is right now, the series are just one notch better than just another AI-generated slop.

  • zeta 1

    i just started it but i think its too childish, maybe i would have enjoyed it more in my teens

  • Sirigaz 1

    I'll have to wait 2 hours to comment more about MDS, BUT THIS IS PEAK FICTION, HOLY SH*T. Gary is beta and etc, etc at the beginning, BUT HE EVOLVES, D*MM*T... I stopped at chapter 940, just because I felt a bad feeling (I really got involved in the novel and didn't want depressing developments), and I also got a little discouraged and lazy about reading more. There's a time skip in the last few spots, and jesus, the worst time skip I've ever read about... in fact, the MDS one is equally worse, the one between 5-15 years The romance is... I'm trying not to give spoilers, and I don't have much to criticize, that's it, the novel is good. Although MC also has to hold back a lot at times, it's better than in MDS It's good, read it, very cool, but I didn't see many references to MDS, like, it appeared very little, I wanted more...

    Edited: 2mo
    • r2spro 1

      i think the lore is going to be explored more deeply once gary actually faces off against lupus, since after that the only big threat he would be facing is the corruption or the vamps imo.

      • Sirigaz 1

        I thought the novel was already finished, so I took an indefinite break, which has now been 3 months, and I would finish it when I was starting to forget things (right now)... Yes, I agree, I stopped at chapter 930 and there's not much beyond that. Nirv, corruption and vampires

  • akeem 1

    I’ve been loving this 5-book series so far! I found MVS 1st then MDS and I just done MWS I'm eagerly waiting for books 3 and 5 to come out. Does anyone know when they’re going to be released? Any updates from the author would be awesome!

    • MidLevelProgrammer 1

      I have a question, would gary have some character development? I read 'till 92 and he's very very passive about everything. I can say he's a wimp who can't come to terms with his new identity, without any goal, plan or anything of the sort.

      Edited: 3mo
      • The_lonewolf 1

        It will happen later in the story just gave some patience, i continued reading the story for Edward, Richard, but later after the 700s the story becomes interesting

      • Defying_Demon_Flys 23

        AFTER 700s ??!!

      • The_lonewolf 1

        The main story line bro which includes Richard, the introduction of talen's and Gary father occurs after it. But upto 700 the story will be mainly about Gary and his struggles, just be patient and read it. It's actually quite good

        Edited: 2mo
      • Defying_Demon_Flys 23


      • The_lonewolf 1


      • akeem 1

        Yes he will it might come little bit more in the story but you won't be disappointed

      • MidLevelProgrammer 1

        Thanks, I'll continue then...

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    Author can you please upload more like it's been coming to an year reading chapters
