Super Detective in the Fictional World
Super Detective in the Fictional World novel is a popular light novel covering Action, Adventure, and Fantasy genres. Written by the Author Icy Plain's Three Elegance. 2234 chapters have been translated and translation of all chapters was completed.
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Comments on the novel chapters for the last week.
How is the power scaling on this one?
the author cooked so hard, narrative wise it's a good 9.5/10. on the flip side, it's like he's never heard the phrase "show don't tell".
I wish I could read more but for some reason the dialogue structure and the general written structure puts me off. I'm fine the story and plot itself but god my brain just really dislikes how this is written for some reason.
this sh*t was hype bro's out here on a kill streak with drug dealers and gangs every day
Why isn't there a harem tag? Looked at the fandom page. Dude has like 8 "sexfriends." I literally only gave this novel a chance since I thought it wasn't a harem, turns out they just have new terms for it now.
It combined alot of movies and tv shows together. It pretty good, I would say. It slow however, so dont be expecting him to be fighting like the hulk in 300 chapters.
is dr.DOOM here?
Yo guys. Before I read this, could someone tell me if the MC gets strong and what is his powers? As brief as possible, and I don't care about a little spoiler, just a little though hehe
I wish there was some small time skips but I’m really enjoying it also I don’t get the hate on Selina while she seems kind of useless she supports the mc really well
I don't understand why so many people are hating on selina. She's literally my favourite female side character of allll the ln I've read. She understand boundaries (which ALOT of fictional female side characters does not), tries her best to improve herself but doesn't feel inferior that it interferes with Luke, isn't sticky and h*rny to the MC (which AGAIN happens to ALOT of female characters). There's more but it'll just give spoilers and would be too long.