The Return of the Disaster-Class Hero novel is a popular light novel covering Action, Comedy, and Fantasy genres. Written by the Author SAN.G. 507 chapters have been translated and translation of all chapters was completed.
The Return of the Disaster-Class Hero novel is a popular light novel covering Action, Comedy, and Fantasy genres. Written by the Author SAN.G. 507 chapters have been translated and translation of all chapters was completed.
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Comments on the novel chapters for the last week.
31 August 2024, 2A.M. Finished
Can anyone tell me what chapter ends with Hailey?
good novel
Can someone who has finished the novel tell me if it has romance or not?
Anyone know where's the Chapter 72(Manhwa) in this novel?
Is it good? I mean the manhwa is top notch, but how is the novel?
The epilogue is the only thing missing
where do i continue after reading manhwa chapter 65?
Amazing Another one that ended
I've read 22 chapters and if I'm going to comment accordingly, it's a really weak and incomplete story.The novel lacked depth and felt like I was reading a 2D story.The background stories of the characters are very weak and the emotions are very lacking.That's all I can say for sure over the course of 22 episodes. I couldn't read any more.The thing I've been paying attention to most recently in novels is to feel the characters very sincerely, but this novel is really lacking in that regard.I think anyone who is objective can understand that the shortcomings I mentioned are not an exaggeration, for at least 22 episodes.